Browse: /demo/
GETID3_VERSION string (14) 1.9.5-20130220
audio array (10)
bitrate double 476176
bitrate_mode string (3) cbr
bits_per_sample integer 16
channelmode string (4) mono
channels integer 1
compression_ratio double 1
dataformat string (3) avr
lossless boolean TRUE
sample_rate integer 29761
streams array (1)
0 array (9)
bitrate double 476176
bitrate_mode string (3) cbr
bits_per_sample integer 16
channelmode string (4) mono
channels integer 1
compression_ratio double 1
dataformat string (3) avr
lossless boolean TRUE
sample_rate integer 29761
avdataend integer 224
avdataoffset integer 128
avr array (14)
bits_per_sample integer 16
comment string (64) Converted with "Zero-X" written by Peter Segerdahl, 1994 Sweden
flags array (3)
loop boolean TRUE
signed boolean TRUE
stereo boolean FALSE
loop_end integer 72176
loop_start integer 465
midi_notes array (0)
midi_split integer 0
raw array (6)
loop integer 65535
magic string (4) 2BIT
midi integer 65535
mono integer 0
replay_freq integer 240
signed integer 65535
reserved integer 0
sample_compression integer 0
sample_length integer 75300
sample_name string (8) lovebeat
sample_name_extra string (19) AVR by P. Segerdahl
sample_rate integer 29761
bitrate double 476176
encoding string (5) UTF-8
fileformat string (3) avr
filename string (7) AVR.avr
filenamepath string (46) /demo/AVR.avr
filepath string (38) /demo
filesize integer 224
mime_type string (24) application/octet-stream
playtime_seconds double 2.5301569167703
playtime_string string (4) 0:03
warning array (1)
0 string (71) Probable truncated file: expecting 150600 bytes of audio data, found 96
File parsed in 0.011 seconds.
Powered by getID3() v1.9.5-20130220

Running on PHP v5.4.7 (32-bit)