Browse: /demo/
GETID3_VERSION string (14) 1.9.5-20130220
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0 string (19) Jay Rose,
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0 string (11) Dick Pierce
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0 string (72) linear PCM sample file containing 'bext' and 'cart' chunks
1 string (63) Cart Chunk: the traffic data file format for the Radio Industry
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0 string (19) Jay Rose,
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0 string (11) Dick Pierce
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0 string (72) linear PCM sample file containing 'bext' and 'cart' chunks
1 string (63) Cart Chunk: the traffic data file format for the Radio Industry
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0 string (47) A=PCM,F=44100,W=16,M=stereo,T=Orban AUDICY EDIT
1 string (46) A=PCM,F=32000,W=16,M=stereo,T=Orban AUDICY SRC
data string (700) linear PCM sample file containing 'bext' and 'cart' chunksDick PierceCartChunk.org2001/09/1307:50:05A=PCM,F=44100,W=16,M=stereo,T=Orban AUDICY EDIT
A=PCM,F=32000,W=16,M=stereo,T=Orban AUDICY SRC
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title string (72) linear PCM sample file containing 'bext' and 'cart' chunks
cart array (1)
0 array (22)
artist string (19) Jay Rose,
category string (4) DEMO
classification string (21) Demo and sample files
client_id string (13)
cut_id string (9) DEMO-0101
data string (2568) 0101Cart Chunk: the traffic data file format for the Radio IndustryJay Rose, dplay.comDEMO-0101CartChunk.orgDEMODemo and sample filesthe Radio Industry1900/01/0100:00:002099/12/3123:59:59AUDICY3.10/623Demo ID showing basic 'cart' chunk attributes�MRK ��SEC1�S��������������������EOD @http://www.cartchunk.orgThe radio traffic data, or 'cart' format utilizes a widely
used standard audio file format (wave and broadcast wave file).
It incorporates the common broadcast-specific cart labeling
information into a specialized chunk within the file itself.
As a result, the burden of linking multiple systems is reduced
to producer applications writing a single file, and the consumer
applications reading it. The destination application can extract
information and insert it into the native database application
as needed.
end_date string (10) 2099/12/31
end_time string (8) 23:59:59
offset integer 746
out_cue string (18) the Radio Industry
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producer_app_version string (8) 3.10/623
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start_date string (10) 1900/01/01
start_time string (8) 00:00:00
tag_text array (9)
0 string (58) The radio traffic data, or 'cart' format utilizes a widely
1 string (63) used standard audio file format (wave and broadcast wave file).
2 string (59) It incorporates the common broadcast-specific cart labeling
3 string (60) information into a specialized chunk within the file itself.
4 string (62) As a result, the burden of linking multiple systems is reduced
5 string (64) to producer applications writing a single file, and the consumer
6 string (64) applications reading it. The destination application can extract
7 string (62) information and insert it into the native database application
8 string (10) as needed.
title string (63) Cart Chunk: the traffic data file format for the Radio Industry
url string (24)
user_defined_text string (45) Demo ID showing basic 'cart' chunk attributes
version string (4) 0101
zero_db_reference integer 32768
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offset integer 3322
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data string (18) }�
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artist array (1)
0 string (19) Jay Rose,
author array (1)
0 string (11) Dick Pierce
title array (2)
0 string (72) linear PCM sample file containing 'bext' and 'cart' chunks
1 string (63) Cart Chunk: the traffic data file format for the Radio Industry
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nSamplesPerSec integer 32000
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wFormatTag integer 1
tags array (1)
riff array (3)
artist array (1)
0 string (19) Jay Rose,
author array (1)
0 string (11) Dick Pierce
title array (2)
0 string (72) linear PCM sample file containing 'bext' and 'cart' chunks
1 string (63) Cart Chunk: the traffic data file format for the Radio Industry
tags_html array (1)
riff array (3)
artist array (1)
0 string (19) Jay Rose,
author array (1)
0 string (11) Dick Pierce
title array (2)
0 string (72) linear PCM sample file containing 'bext' and 'cart' chunks
1 string (63) Cart Chunk: the traffic data file format for the Radio Industry
File parsed in 0.027 seconds.
Powered by getID3() v1.9.5-20130220

Running on PHP v5.4.7 (32-bit)